
Bootstrap with production grade features for Telegram Bots

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Telegram Bot Bootstrap

Telegram Bot Bootstrap logo


Telegram bots are everywhere. Telegram Bot APIs let you create bots with a lot of features. There are a lots of libraries for the most used languages: Python, PHP, JavaScripts, ...

In Python, python-telegram-bot is very used for it. This perfectly wraps Telegram's Bot APIs.


Despite python-telegram-bot is a great library for starting a new Telegram bot, to create a production grade ready telegram bot is necessary several dependencies, helpers, structure, ...

This bootstrap includes everything that you need to create an awesome Telegram bot quickly.


The major features of this bootstrap are:

  • Dependency injection: You can easy inject dependencies for your bot.
  • Clean Architecture: Approach to a clean architecture.
  • Internationalization (i18n) support: gettext locale ready.
  • Persistence with database support: Database support with SQLAlchemy and pydantic.
  • Bot encapsulation: Use of class instead of methods to interface with python-telegram-bot.
  • Payment ready: If you can use Payments, a template handler for payments with Stripe is already enabled.
  • Execution lifecycle: Use of signals to shutdown the bot properly.

How to use

Clone this project, create a new Telegram Bot using Telegram Botfather bot, specify the tokens and implement your own commands.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Follow this guide to create a new Telegram bot.
  3. Prepare environment
  4. Specify


  • requirements.txt: Python packages requirements.
  • main.py: Bot entry point.
  • config.yaml: Configuration parameters.
  • Dockerfile: Dockerfile for docker image generation.


This project use gettextfor i18n. With makemessages.sh it create the translation files. Compile the messages with compilemessages.sh.


This project is under heavy development right now. Some components may suffer big changes in the near/middle future.


If you like to contribute or discuss about design, features, ... issues and PRs are welcome :)


  • Metrics reporting with Prometheus (WIP)
  • Webhook mode
  • FSM (initiated)


Apache 2.0 License