Requirements: docker, internet
This will allow you to run a demo setup:
# Clone the diracx-chart repository
git clone
# Run the demo
You can also start the demo setup in development mode - code changes will be reflected in the demo in real time:
# Clone the diracx-web repository
git clone
# Clone the diracx-chart repository
git clone
# Run the demo
diracx-charts/ ./diracx-web
Want to report a bug? Open an Issue.
Need technical support to configure
? Start a Support discussion. -
Want to make a general feedback about the DIRAC web application? Answer to the Survey by creating a new discussion.
Want to request a feature? Create a User Story to describe your need.
Want to discuss about UX/UI design? Share your Design idea.
Unit tests can be started with:
npm test
End-to-end tests are launched through cypress
such as:
# diracx-charts/ is running
npx cypress open --config baseUrl=$DIRACX_URL
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.