This is a plugin for Presto that allow you to use Oracle Jdbc Connection
Create new properties file inside etc/catalog dir:
# connection-url must me the URL to access Oracle via JDBC. It can be different depending on your environment.
# Another example of the URL would be jdbc:oracle:thin:@//ip:port/database. For more information, please go to the JDBC driver docs
Create a dir inside plugin dir called oracle. To make it easier you could copy mysql dir to oracle and remove the mysql-connector and prestodb-mysql jars. Finally put the prestodb-oracle in plugin/oracle folder. Here is the sptes:
cp -r plugin/mysql plugin/oracle
rm plugin/oracle/mysql-connector*
rm plugin/oracle/presto-mysql*
mv /home/Downloads/presto-oracle*.jar plugin/oracle
mvn clean install
Oracle Driver is not available in common repositories, so you will need to download it from Oracle and install manually in your repository.