
Surface water modelling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Surface water modelling

Water4Cities project...

Software requirements

Dockerized version

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan jupyter/datascience-notebook
# Check the right Docker instance id with "docker ps"
docker exec b7f3abbf54da pip install ipywidgets scikit-multiflow gmaps asyncio aiohttp

Installing on machine


Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/yoozze/w4c-stream.git

Run installation script (Windows only):

cd w4c-stream

Or install manually:

conda create -n w4c
conda activate w4c
conda install nb_conda
pip install ipywidgets scikit-multiflow gmaps asyncio aiohttp
jupyter nbextension enable --py gmaps

Start Jupyter notebook:

jupyter notebook

For google maps to work correctly, you need to set your google API key to GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable:

setx GOOGLE_API_KEY your_api_key

Data acquisition

Build database:

cd data
python get_water.py
python get_weather.py weather_locations.json -d 2010-01-01:2017-12-31
python build_db.py