
EagleCAD library of parts I couldn't find anywhere else

MIT LicenseMIT

jos.ph Eagle CAD Libraries

EagleCAD library of parts and footprints I couldn't find anywhere else. Many of these are literally footprints with pinouts for integrating Adafruit breakout boards into your PCB.

Note: These have been created for various projects over the past few years, they are not the most consistent in terms of silk/labeling design. However, they are all proven unless marked otherwise.



APA102C 5050 RGB LED

  • Adafruit DotStar Single LED Pixel
  • Datasheet

Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board + 2x2W Amp

  • Variants with and w/o speaker pins

Adafruit FONA 808

Adafruit HMC5883L Magnetometer

  • Triple-axis Compass Breakout
  • Variants with mounting drills and w/o

Adafruit PowerBoost 500 LiPo Charger Breakout


Adafruit TXB0104 Bi-Directional Level Shifter Breakout

Simblee 7-pin DIP Breakout



Older eagle library with parts from the past...

1/8" / 3.5mm Stereo Audio Jack SMD

  • Switchcraft manu part: 35RASMT4BHNTRX
  • Digikey part: SC1488-1-ND
  • Datasheet

Single Pole OptoMOS Solid State Relay SMD

  • IXYS manuf part: CPC1025N
  • Digikey part: CLA234CT-ND
  • Datasheet


forked from instructions here

  1. Download the .zip file of this repo.
  2. Open Eagle and select the Control Panel window.
  3. Choose Options and from the drop down that appears, Directories.
  4. Change the Libraries line from: $EAGLEDIR/lbr to something like:
    $EAGLEDIR/lbr:$HOME/my_external_lbrs (for OS X)
    $EAGLEDIR\lbr;$HOME\my_external_lbrs (for Windows)
  1. Click OK to save your changes.

  2. Eagle will prompt to create the directory if it does not already exist. Note the location and choose Yes to create the directory.

    OSX: $HOME/my_external_lbrs changes to: /Users/mosfet/my_external_lbrs/

    Windows: $HOME\my_external_lbrs changes to: C:\Users\Mosfet\Documents\my_external_lbrs

  3. Find and open the my_external_lbrs folder. Unzip the downloaded file and drag jos-ph.lbr into the new my_external_lbrs folder.

  4. Restart Eagle. The library should be now be usable.