
You're one step away from setting up your own instance of app.pulsex.com on your local machine. Choose the method that suits you best:

  1. 📦 Use a Pre-built Binary: We offer pre-built binaries for various distributions, listed below.
  2. 🔧 Build from Source: If you prefer, you can clone this repository and compile your own binary.

📦 Available Pre-built Binaries:

Downloads: https://gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/pulsex-server/-/releases

Package Intel (amd64) ARM (arm64)
MacOS.zip x x
pulsex-server_1.0.0_windows_amd64.zip x
pulsex-server_1.0.0_windows_arm64.zip x
pulsex-server_1.0.0_linux_arm64.tar.gz x
pulsex-server_1.0.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz x

⚠️ Important Notice for MacOS Users ⚠️

MacOS mandates the use of digitally signed binaries, which prevents us from directly distributing the binary for this platform.

🔹 Alternate Solution: We provide a MacOS.zip package. Upon installation, it sets up a lightweight webserver, enabling you to seamlessly run the website.

🔹 For Advanced Users: If you wish to run the same binary as other operating systems, proceed below to build from source.

🔧 Building From Source

1. Install Golang dependencies

Go 1.21 or newer is required to build the PulseX server.

Follow the official instructions on https://go.dev/doc/install to install Go for your OS.

Alternatively, you can use a package manager to install Go:

2. Build the executable

git clone https://gitlab.com/pulsechaincom/pulsex-server.git
cd pulsex-server
go build -o pulsex-server ./cmd/pulsex-server/main.go

# Run the built binary

Note: Windows users may want to add the .exe file extension to the output file name in the go build command above.