Grade: 17/20

All of these commands should be run in the src folder

In order to compile the program, you should run the following command:

javac -d build /.java

To create the first Peer run the following command (remember that all the ports should be different):

java -cp build/ Peer.Peer <peer_port> <chord_port>

To create the other peers you should run the command: (if all the peers are on your pc the first_peer_ip should be localhost)

java -cp build/ Peer.Peer <peer_port> <chord_port> <first_peer_ip>:<first_peer_port>

To run the operations you should run one of the following commands: (the filename assumes the file is also in the src folder)

  • java -cp build/ Peer.TestApp <peer_ip>:<peer_port> BACKUP <filename> <rep_degree>

  • java -cp build/ Peer.TestApp <peer_ip>:<peer_port> DELETE <filename>

  • java -cp build/ Peer.TestApp <peer_ip>:<peer_port> RESTORE <filename>

  • java -cp build/ Peer.TestApp <peer_ip>:<peer_port> RECLAIM <space>

  • java -cp build/ Peer.TestApp <peer_ip>:<peer_port> STATUS