
SQLite versions of Sean Lahman's baseball archive data

SQLite Baseball Archive
Thanks to the generous work of Sean Lahman, baseball geeks everywhere can 
analyze and play with baseball stats dating all the way back to 1871.
Unfortunately, this data is only published in MS Access or as a collection
of comma-delimited files.  For those of us who want to use a relational
database but can't install MS Access, we have to resort to other alternatives.

The fine folks over at baseball-databank.org convert this data to MySQL
each year.  But again, there are those of us who prefer the simplicity
of a file-based database rather than running a server.

They also tend to be a month or two behind Mr. Lahman.

So, here I present to you the Sean Lahman baseball database in SQLite format.
Licensed under Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0).

Special thanks to Sean Lahman for all his awesome work year after year.