Why do you need flexbox?

The objective is to learn flexbox with the following tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yJEkP2y4nY&list=PLM-Y_YQmMEqBxAQxxNW7J7-BTJdj_Ol3F&index=1

Float work flow

The container stops seeing the content, since it is not found in the document flow.

There are some provisional solutions for this, how to set clear: both.


  • display: flex: [CONTAINER] flex container
  • flex-direction: [CONTAINER] indicates the main axis X or Y. By default is row
  • flex-wrap: : [CONTAINER] indicates whether the contained elements collapse or not
  • orden:: [ITEM] indicates a weight on an element. By default is 0
  • justify-content:: [CONTAINER] indicates the alignment in a container depending on the main axis
  • align-content:: [CONTAINER]
  • align-items:: [CONTAINER] indicates the aligment in a container depending on the cross axis
  • align-self:: [ITEM] indicaes the aligment in a item, with a diferent aligment on the main axis
  • flex-grow: [ITEM] control the excess space.
  • flex-shrink:: [ITEM] control the missing space
  • flex-basic:: [ITEM]
  • flex:: [ITEM] allows indicate grow/shrink/basic in one property

Sorting CSS properties

The order I use is as follows:

  • Layout Properties: (position, float, clear, display)
  • Box Model Properties_ (width, height, margin, padding)
  • Visual Properties_ (color, background, border, box-shadow)
  • Typography Properties: (font-size, font-family, text-align, text-transform)
  • Misc Properties: (cursor, overflow, z-index)

Interesting resources