
Trigger deployments on DeployHQ using Github Actions

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Action to Trigger a Deployment on DeployHQ with a Webhook URL 🚀

This action calls the DeployHQ's Webhook URL created for your DeployHQ account to trigger a deployment on DeployHQ.


All sensitive variables should be set as encrypted secrets in the action's configuration.

Configuration Variables

Key Value Suggested Type Required
DEPLOYHQ_WEBHOOK_URL Required. Your DeployHQ webhook URL. Can be found in your DeployHQ Dashboard, under "Automatic Deployments" secret Yes
REPO_REVISION The revision you wish to deploy. Can also be set to "latest" if you wish to deploy the latest revision in your set branch. If not set, the default value is "latest". secret No
REPO_BRANCH The branch your revision is on. If not set, the default value is set to "main". secret No
DEPLOYHQ_EMAIL Required. Your DeployHQ user. For example, matias@barilla.com. secret Yes
REPO_CLONE_URL The path to your repository (as entered in the Deploy UI). If not set, it will be generated with GitHub Action's default environment variables. Nonetheless, we highly recommend setting this variable to avoid unexpected results. secret No

workflow.yml Example

Place in a .yml file such as this one in your .github/workflows folder. Refer to the documentation on workflow YAML syntax here.

name: Deploy my website in DeployHQ w/ my webhook URL
on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Put steps here to build your site, deploy it to a service, etc.
    - name: Trigger deployment in DeployHQ w/ webhook URL
      uses: deployhq/deployhq-action@main
        # All these values should be set as encrypted secrets in your repository settings
        REPO_REVISION: ${{ secrets.REPO_REVISION }}
        REPO_BRANCH: ${{ secrets.REPO_BRANCH }}
        DEPLOYHQ_EMAIL: ${{ secrets.DEPLOYHQ_EMAIL }} 
        REPO_CLONE_URL: ${{ secrets.REPO_CLONE_URL }}


This project is distributed under the MIT license.