
The CSS for the 2019 WordCamp Rotterdam site

Primary LanguageCSS

Editing the CSS

We are parsing the SCSS files to dist/styles/style.css so load that file via Remote CSS functionality of the WordCamp site.

  1. So if you want to alter something to the styling, edit that file.
  2. The CSS gets updated automatically via GitHub WebHooks. If it doesn't gets updated, then re-save the Remote CSS via https://2019.rotterdam.wordcamp.org/wp-admin/themes.php?page=remote-css

I, Jaime, used the SCSS / Gulp while developing the initial styling because that sped-up the progres for me.


Making a menu

Because the site uses the Twenty Seventeen theme you need duplicate a top-level menu-item in it's submenu. On mobile you can't click the top-most parent item, because it works as a toggle for the submenu.

|_ Sponsors
|_ Call for Sponsors

HTML elements

These are custom build HTML blocks that you have to enter into the WYSIWYG editor.

Tickets row

<div class="row-full-width row-tickets">
    <div class="container-inner">
        <h2><a href="/tickets">Haal hier je ticket!</a></h2>
        <hr />
        <h2><a href="/tickets">Get your ticket here!</a></h2>
        <a href="/tickets"><img class="tickets aligncenter wp-image-347 size-medium" src="tickets-liggend-small-300x225.png" alt="Get your ticket" width="300" height="225" alt="Haal hier je ticket." /></a>


  • In development npm install
  • Then node_modules/.bin/gulp or node_modules/.bin/gulp watch

Via an App

Or just use your favourite LESS parser App like http://koala-app.com or https://codekitapp.com/ (trail = 30 days)