
Prefix only your post url and not your tag and category permalinks

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WordPress post url prefixer

Prefix only your post URL and not your tag and category permalinks & have a automatic blog posts archive

Change singular post prefix

Defaults to /blog/ like https://jaimemartinez.nl/blog/using-twig-in-wordpress-with-clarkson/

add_filter('wp_pup_singular_prefix', function(){
	return 'news';

Change the post archive slug

Defaults to https://jaimemartinez.nl/blog/ if you have not selected a page for the "Reading settings > Posts page" setting. If you want to change it, the use this filter:

Change the post archive slug

add_filter('wp_pup_archive_slug', function(){
	return 'news';

Disable the automaticly enable post archive

If you don't want fancy automaticly enabled post archive, then disable it like this:

add_filter('wp_pup_archive_slug', function(){
	return false;