
Compute pesky normalization factor in super-sample covariance w/ trapz rule

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Very simple code to compute the pesky normalization factor in super-sample covariance w/ trapz rule for a simulation box

$\sigma_{b}^{2} = \int \frac{d^{3}\mathbf{k}}{(2\pi)^3} |W(\mathbf{k})|^{2} P_{L}(k)$


$W^{2}(\mathbf{k}) = j_{0}^{2}(k_{x}L/2)j_{0}^{2}(k_{y}L/2)j_{0}^{2}(k_{z}L/2)$

which is appropriately normalized to $1/V = L^{-3}$.

Li, Hu, & Takada 2014


Run this code with julia sigmab.jl

The integration range and number of points appear to be decent at a $<3$% level (using window error as a guide) but are actually much better than this for estimating the window integral for a typical cosmology - that integral peaks at very low k, whereas the window integral doesn't converge quickly b/c at high k we've entered the wiggle zone. If we you want a more accurate estimate you can increase kmax or N (at your own runtime risk).

Default ouput on my machine is:

Is the window close to 1? true

Power spectrum variance in a cubic box of side length 625.0 Mpc/h is 6.756502209257932e-5.

This is in close agreement with directly computing the variance of linear field on a grid but has the benefit of being faster and not requiring seed averaging.