
Movie App powered by TMDB. Mobile App that shows upcoming movies and search movies by title.

Primary LanguageHTML

Movie app. Web application for mobile. Version 1.0.0

Movie App powered by TMDB. Mobile App that shows upcoming movies and search movies by title.

Architecture based on https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/concepts#

  • index.html(template) => searchController.js(controller business UI logic) <=> movieService.js(service view reusable business logic) <=> Internet (https://api.themoviedb.org)


  • Materialize (css)
  • fonts.googleapis
  • AngularJs
  • jQuery (used by materialize components)

Website hosted at http://www.movieapp.dx.am/ for appreciation.

  • Best seen on mobile.

Suggestions for further versions.

  • Apikey is hardcoded in this version. Best practice is to externalize it.
  • Frontend improvements such as pagination buttons and results of upcoming movies to include poster and gender.