
Table of contents

  1. Project info
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Features
  5. Usage

Project info

WordPress helper pack for custom theme and plugins development

  • repository: https://github.com/jmucak/wp-helpers-pack


  • PHP > 8.1
  • composer v2


  • Run composer require jmucak/wp-helpers-pack inside your custom theme or plugin folder


  • template loader helper
  • asset provider => registering css and js
  • block provider => registering custom acf gutenberg blocks
  • cpt provider => registering custom post types and taxonomies
  • file helper


Template Loader Helper

  • Used to get or load a file withing theme or a plugin
  • It's similar to WordPress load_template() function
function get_partial( string $path, array $data = array(), bool $html = false ): bool|string|null {
	$file_path = TEMPLATE_PATH . 'partials/' . $path . '.php';

	return TemplateLoaderHelper::get_instance()->get_partial( $file_path, $data, $html );

Asset Provider

$config = array(
    'js'        => array(
        'jsHandle' => array(
            'path'           => '{PATH_TO_BUNDLE_JS}',
            'version'        => '1.0.0',
            'localize'       => array(
                'object' => '{OBJECT_NAME}',
                'data'   => array(),
            'timestamp_bust' => true, // dynamic version change
    'css'       => array(
        'cssHandle' => array(
            'path'           => '{PATH_TO_BUNDLE_CSS}',
            'in_footer'      => false,
            'version'        => '1.0.0',
            'timestamp_bust' => true, // dynamic version change
    'base_url'  => get_template_directory_uri() . '/{ASSETS_FOLDER}/',
    'base_path' => get_theme_file_path( '/{ASSETS_FOLDER}/' ),
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( new AssetProvider( $config ), 'register' ) );

Registering block data

$service_provider = new ServiceProvider();
		array(), // Block settings

Adding blocks events

$config = array(
    'default_blocks' => array(
    'categories'     => array(
            'slug'  => 'category-slug',
            'title' => 'Category name'

(new BlockSettingsEvent($block_config));

Registering post types and taxonomies

$service_provider = new ServiceProvider();
$service_provider->register_post_types( array(
        'movie' => array() //CPT settings
    ) );
$service_provider->register_taxonomies( array(
        'genre' => array() // Taxonomies settings
    ) );