
Table of contents

  1. Project info
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Development scripts
  5. Code style standards and best practices

Project info

Theme description

  • repository: git@github.com:jmucak/wp-theme-template.git
  • figma: ``


  • PHP > 8.1
  • composer v2
  • node v21 or higher
  • npm v10 or higher


Template setup

  • Clone this repository in /wp-content/themes folder
  • git clone git@github.com:jmucak/wp-theme-template.git your-project-folder
  • Push to a new repository
    • git remote set-url origin {your git repository}
    • git push origin main

Environment setup

  • Run composer install and npm install
  • Run npm run build to create assets build folder
  • Activate the theme through the 'Themes' screen in WordPress

Development scripts

  • npm run dev: watches and compiles files on change
  • npm run build: creates production ready versions of css and js inside static folder

Code style standards and best practices


  • write clean and OOP code
  • every class, functions or any logic should exists only in app folder


  • WordPress coding standards github and docs should be applied
  • exception of naming classes because of autoloader, classes should be named with CamelCase
  • No shorthand PHP Tags => use <?php ... ?>
  • Single and Double Quotes => If you’re not evaluating anything in the string, use single quotes
  • Methods and Functions should be named with snake_case, Example: get_posts(), get_data()
  • Brace Style => Braces should always be used in all code blocks, Example: if($some_condition) { // Do something}
  • When declaring a function or a class braces are added at the end of the line, not in the new line
  • Declaring Arrays => Arrays must be declared using long array syntax, Example: array(1,2,3);
  • Using import use statements => Import use statements should be at the top of the file and follow the namespaces declaration