Aixada helps self-managed consumption cooperatives to organize their flow of products, money, and information.
- 2
Modificar IVA de comanda antiga
#317 opened by okcomputerik - 5
Possible bug al validar comandes buides
#303 opened by mamuts - 2
- 0
Sería conveniente crear la nueva tabla "aixada_torns" también en el proceso de actualización.
#316 opened by jorix - 0
- 5
No podem validar si afegim un producte al validar (error 1054: Unknown column 'undefined' in 'field list')
#309 opened by VictorJavaSpring - 6
Error al validar comanda: Error al distribuir i validar la comanda #1922 - Incorrecte DATE value: "
#308 opened by cecilethvnt - 40
Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in
#288 opened by VictorJavaSpring - 8
Error al validar comanda: "generated error 1104:The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows......status "parsererror" occurred during loading data:Error: Invalid XML: Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected in ... /php/ctrl/Orders.php on line 163"
#307 opened by VictorJavaSpring - 5
- 0
Dockerfile builds error
#299 opened by orzocogorzo - 1
- 12
- 3
Han cambiado las API de las autorizaciones para GDrive
#293 opened by jorix - 11
Importar productes d'un proveïdor en format excel
#280 opened by Monicafgz - 0
problemas resueltos! :)
#285 opened by miriamau - 0
Sobre l'actualització
#287 opened by paumarti - 21
Email SMTP not working, hosting Pangea
#258 opened by dmanubens-zz - 2
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_module_open()
#284 opened by CoopeEncants - 2
Dockerization needs some improvements
#267 opened by eduponte - 1
- 2
- 0
Afegir description_url al llistat de productes a seleccionar des de la vista de consumidor
#281 opened by xpegenaute - 3
account balance ERROR
#278 opened by Monicafgz - 6
presentacion iva
#271 opened by Patrickkappert - 4
Problemes a l'importar
#279 opened by joancortes - 1
Asignación de responsables de proveedor
#274 opened by Monicafgz - 23
Recuperación de contraseña en login
#272 opened by Monicafgz - 5
Añadir nueva categorías de productos
#276 opened by Monicafgz - 1
- 4
- 2
- 5
Problema amb detalls de la comanda
#270 opened by mamuts - 0
Negative balance households
#269 opened by mbenito - 7
Verify permission to install or upgrade
#265 opened by narcisgarcia - 3
- 3
- 3
Feature request: Dark theme
#266 opened by narcisgarcia - 6
Instalación de Aixada: Descarga de dónde
#264 opened by narcisgarcia - 1
Incidents emails improvements
#260 opened by dmanubens-zz - 1
Checkout as default role?
#259 opened by dmanubens-zz - 22
Compatibilitat amb Php 7
#234 opened by mamuts - 4
Error MySQL #1260 in GROUP_CONCAT() function
#228 opened by davidromani - 9
Comanda acumulativa, filtre per proveïdor
#236 opened by dmanubens-zz - 4
Importar la base de dades a un nou servidor
#235 opened by mamuts - 7
- 5
Orderable products without stock should not be visible in shop_and_order
#231 opened by dmanubens-zz - 3
- 12
MySQL erros after upgrade to 5.7
#224 opened by davidromani - 7
Error manage my settings, new installation
#225 opened by dmanubens-zz