EditBook is micro http server and web based editor.
$ go get github.com/karino2/editbook
$ ./editbook &
# open browser here with http://localhost:5123/static/
$ ./editbook --client /README.md
$ ssh -L 51234:localhost:51234 yoursshconfigname
# open browser here with http://localhost:51234/static/
editbook --ls-config lsconf.json
- Open main.go of editbook folder
- Hover mouse cursor to "conn" of the argument of handleCommandConnection(conn net.Conn).
- If go-langserver is working, there is some suggestion for this variable type.
CAUTION: intellisence is not supported now in go-langserver.
- open editors/monaco/languageservice.js
- put code fragment "document.getEleme" to somewhere and see suggestion
- If tsserver is working, there is two "document.getElementById()" suggestion, and one has some description to this method, while others does not.
docker build -t editbook .
docker run -d --publish 51234:5123 --publish 5124:5124 --name editbookdev -v $PWD:/go/src/github.com/karino2/editbook editbook /go/src/github.com/karino2/editbook/script/build_and_exec.sh --ls-config lsconf.json
TIPS: it's better to place host editbook folder to match to container path because in this case you can use bash completion when calling editbook --client command.