
This a collection of scripts to do some simple git tasks.

Installing the Scripts

There are 2 ways to install the scripts : Manual and Automatic


Those scripts are meant to be run from the command line. Best practice would be to clone this repo in some dir then make a symbolic link to each script in your /usr/local/bin

git clone git_related
chmod 755 git_related/tester_branch/tester_branch_switch.php
sudo ln -s git_related/tester_branch/tester_branch_switch.php /usr/local/bin/tester_branch

This way you can call them from wherever you are.

mfaye@vp-aix-dev11:/nfs-dev/FRANCE-VPG/mfaye/www/bg_builder$tester_branch 33116


Run the install script

git clone git_related
cd git_related
sudo ./install.php

And it's done :)

Any explanation on how to use those scripts in this document will assume that you have done this operation


When developments are running on more than one cycle, it can be easy to miss some merges. The job of this script is to give you a convenient way to spot them.

  1. First get to your project on redmine and extract all the issues and put all the issues id in a "redmine_point_list.txt" file.

  2. Go to your console and run the following command :

     missing_merge project_branch application [redmine_point_list_file]
     project_branch          : The branch you want to check for missing merge (typically S49_911 for instance)
                               Be advised that your local repository needs to be on this branch,
                               otherwise an error will be issued
     application             : Application that needs to be check [bong, front, oxy]
     redmine_point_list_file : Path to the file that contents the list of the redmine project


Intends to simplify switching branch for tester

Usage : tester_branch point_number|master_number|branch|lastmaster
examples :
  tester_branch 33116             Will switch to point_33116 branch
  tester_branch 1.33              Will switch to master_1.33 branch
  tester_branch S10_MultiSupplier Will switch to S10_MultiSupplier branch
  tester_branch lastmaster        Will find the latest master branch and switch to it works