
Personal use, password export for applications. Quick and dirty implemenation for password setting and retrieval.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Personal use, password export for applications. Quick and dirty implemenation for password setting and retrieval. Plus quick use case.

Example cli arguments

Arguments Values Description
account string user account (required)
group string user access group
data string password/encrypted part (required if writing)
generate integer integer length of the password string to be generated
label string name (required)
service string where (required)
read bool defaults false. If you want to read must be specified

Example useage

go-keychain -account username -service testservice -label testlabel -data tests123
go-keychain -account username -service testservicepath2 -label testlabel -generate 32

.bashrc / .bash_profile

Please add the following line to your bash profile so that when loaded you can automatically export the default base password you'd like.

export DEFAULT_KEY_NAME=$(go-keychain -account username -service testservice -label testlabel -read)

Makefile use

The following make commands executed from the top level directory will enable the building of the binary. Pre-requisite is to have go installed. This was built using go version go1.9 darwin/amd64, but should be cross compilable with gox if needed.

make all

Please see for a complete listing the below command.

make help


The following command will allow one to pull and bring up a container that will allow them to work directly with the binary

docker-compose run go /bin/sh