- Installing R: installing R and RStudio.
- Heights of students versus their parents: a "hello world"-style introduction to the R environment.
- Installing a library: installing the mosaic library from within RStudio.
- Survival on the Titanic: basics of contingency tables.
- Temperatures in San Diego and Rapid City: measuring and visualizing dispersion; changing default plots in R.
- SAT scores and GPA at UT-Austin: boxplots, between-group and within-group variation, sample correlation, scatter plots, pairs plots, and lattice plots.
- Asking prices of pickup trucks on Craigslist: simple linear regression via ordinary least squares; residual summaries
- Utility bills versus temperature: adding polynomial terms to fit nonlinear curves
- Infant mortality and GDP: using log transformations to fit power laws via linear least squares
- Kidney function and aging: naive prediction intervals; R^2 and the decomposition of variance
- Reaction time in video games: modeling numerical outcomes with more than one categorical predictor; dummy variables and interaction terms; analysis of variance.
- House prices: regression with one numerical and multiple categorical predictors; dummy variables and interactions in simple regression models.
- Gone fishing: using the Monte Carlo method to simulate the sampling distributions of the sample mean and of the least-squares estimator
- Kidney function and aging, revisited: bootstrapping the sample mean and the OLS estimator; computing confidence intervals from bootstrapped samples.
- Newspapers: using the normal linear regression model to quantify uncertainty about parameters and predictions.
- The wage gap: an introduction to multiple regression
- Current population survey: the affect of collinearity on the estimated coefficients and ANOVA table in a multiple regression model.
- The Patriots and the coin toss: testing a simple hypothesis by Monte Carlo simulation.
- Titanic, revisited: relative risk, odds ratios, and permutation tests in 2x2 contingency tables.
- Google flu trends: Building and checking a predictive model using stepwise selection
- Basketball point spreads: Logistic regression.
- Atmospheric CO2: Trends and seasonal variation in time-series models.
- Introduction to Monte Carlo in the context of a simplified investment problem.
- Optimization: defining and optimizing your own functions in R.