
Extract css class names from required css module files, so we can render it on server.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

babel-plugin-css-modules-transform [Babel 6 only]

Circle CI

This Babel plugin finds all requires for css module files and replace them with a hash where keys are class names and values are generated css class names.

This plugin is based on the fantastic css-modules-require-hook.


This plugin is experimental, pull requests are welcome.

Do not run this plugin as part of webpack frontend configuration. This plugin is intended only for backend compilation.


/* test.css */

.someClass {
    color: red;
// component.js
const styles = require('./test.css');


// transformed file
const styles = {
    'someClass': 'Test__someClass___2Frqu'

console.log(styles.someClass); // prints Test__someClass___2Frqu


npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-css-modules-transform

Include plugin to .babelrc

    "plugins": ["css-modules-transform"]

With custom options css-modules-require-hook options

    "plugins": [
            "css-modules-transform", { 
                "generateScopedName": "[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]", // in case you don't want to use a function
                "generateScopedName": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js", // in case you want to use a function
                "generateScopedName": "npm-module-name",
                "preprocessCss": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
                "preprocessCss": "npm-module-name",
                "processCss": "./path/to/module-exporting-a-function.js",
                "processCss": "npm-module-name",
                "append": [
                "prepend": [
