
Scripts for building Dockerized Zimbra on RHEL7/CentOS 7

Primary LanguageShell

Zimbra on RHEL 7 Docker image

This repository contains different scripts to create RHEL 7 Zimbra docker image.

It tries to automate zimbra installation on Docker. If you get any errors be kind and share them so that i can improve on it.

How to use files in this repo?

Below is the directory tree structure for the repo:

├── Dockerfile
├── etc
│   └── named
│       ├── db.domain
│       └── named.conf
├── Makefile
├── opt
│   ├── start.sh
│   └── zimbra-install
│       ├── zcs-rhel7.tgz
│       └── zimbra_install_keystrokes
├── README.md
├── run.sh
├── setup.sh
├── shell.sh
└── zimbra.repo


First create use-defined docker network for zimbra. This will enable us to define an ip address for the container. On my setup, the bridge created is zimbra_bridge, network subnet is using below command:

# docker network create -d bridge --subnet zibra_bridge

Confirm the network is successfully created with:

# docker network ls

NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER
f16cc34759a8        none                null                
cd4f9b056c74        host                host                
6fdeb55834bf        bridge              bridge              
8c67bf16fc36        zimbra_bridge       bridge 

Usage and Examples

1. First clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/jmutai/zimbra-rhel7.git

2. Then cd to zimbra-rhel7 directory

cd zimbra-rhel7

3. Download latest Zimbra Collaboration software. I'll download Open Source edition here.

wget -O opt/zimbra-install/zcs-rhel7.tgz  https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.7.1_GA/zcs-8.7.1_GA_1670.RHEL7_64.20161025045328.tgz

4. Edit Makefile if you would like to change name of the base image to build next. Default name is zimbra-rhel-base

sed -i 's/^IMAGE=.*/IMAGE=new-image-name/g' Makefile 

5. Build zimbra base image - Will be the basis for spinning new container.

Before running sudo make, consider changing hostname on setup.sh file to match final hostname you'll use.

If you plan on using CentOS 7 docker image, change FROM directive in Dockerfile to match centos:latest.

sed -i 's/^FROM .*$/FROM centos:latest/' Dockerfile

Default is rhel7.3 from registry.access.redhat.com.

If using Local repo: On opt/zimbra-install/zimbra_install_keystrokes file, replace second line y with n. To look like below:

$ cat opt/zimbra-install/zimbra_install_keystrokes

Then edit zimbra.repo to point to correct base repo url.

It's now time to create zimbra base image:

sudo make

6. After successful build, Spin a container off the new zimbra base image, see below run.sh file for commands to use:

$ cat run.sh 

docker run -d --privileged \
    --name "${CONT_NAME}" \
    --hostname zimbra.example.com \
    --net "${CONT_BRIDGE}" \
    --ip "${CONT_IP}" \
    -e TERM="xterm" \
    -e "container=docker" \
    -e DOMAIN="${CONT_DOMAIN}" \
    -e NAME="${CONT_NAME}" \
    -v /var/"${CONT_L_HOSTNAME}"/opt:/opt/zimbra  \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
    -v $(pwd)/zimbra.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d/zimbra.repo \
    -p 25:25 -p 80:80 -p 465:465 -p 587:587 \
    -p 110:110 -p 143:143 -p 993:993 -p 995:995 \
    -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
    -p 7071:7071 -p 9071:9071 \
    zimbra-rhel-base \

Change local variables set on top to suite your environemnt.

If you aren't using zimbra local repo remove the line -v ./zimbra.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d/zimbra.repo. It might be good idea to setup local repository if playing with docker for the first time; Will save you a lot of time if you screw things up. Visit link below for how to.

How to Create Local Zimbra Repository

Spin new zimbra container:

sh ./run.sh

This will launch a container called zimbra in detached mode. We're detaching because the default command running is /usr/sbin/init, you cannot attach tty terminal.

7. Before starting zimbra installation, attach to zimbra container interactive terminal and execute /bin/bash.

docker exec -it zimbra /bin/bash

Alternatively you can just do:

sh ./shell.sh

Once you have active shell access. Start automated zimbra installation.

cd /opt
sh ./start.sh 

Accessing Admin Console

The start.sh script will take care of everything and after a few minutes you can access Admin console and client console as below:

Admin Console: https://YOUR_HOST_IP:7071 Client console: https://YOUR_HOST_IP