UWB-based precision ranging


Refer to my medium post for complete details and demo video:


Video Demo


How does this work?

1 - Establish BLE data link

  • Scan for peripherals and connect to UWB using its UDID. This is advertised by the beacon.
  • Connect to this peripheral and set notification for tx Characterisrics.
  • Publish accessoryReadyPublisher event.

2 - Establish connection with UWB

  • Subscriber to accessoryReadyPublisher will send initialize command to accessory.
  • Accessory sends configuration data and sends accessoryConfigurationData command.
  • Device (iPhone) receives config data and creates NISession.
  • Runs NISession with accessoryConfigurationData and this generates shared config data.
  • Send shared config data in delegate method didGenerateShareableConfigurationData.
  • On receipt of shared config data, accessory will update its configuration.
  • Accessory starts sending distance information to device.
  • Device gets the distance through delegete method didUpdate nearbyObjects.