
This application serves an API to read and store game scores for different games. A simple front-end web interface displays the scores table for each game.

Primary LanguagePHP

Game Scores Server web app


This application serves an API to read and store game scores for different games. A simple front-end web interface displays the scores table for each game.


At this moment, we will focus on developing an API with the following calls:

api/games/{game_id:numeric} GET

Fetch single game's data by its ID.

api/games/{limit:numeric}(/random) GET

api/scores POST

Post a new game score.


  • game_id: numeric
  • score: numeric
  • player_name: alphanumeric
  • meta: text

api/scores/{game_id:numeric}(/{limit:numeric}) GET

Fetch game scores.

api/challenges/{game_id:numeric}(/{limit:numeric})(/random) GET

Fetch game challenges.

Database Schema

Table: scores score_id, game_id, player_name, meta, post_timestamp, update_timestamp

Table: games game_id, title, code, description, levels, creation_timestamp, update_timestamp

Table: challenges challenge_id, game_id, challenge, level, group, creation_timestamp, update_timestamp