Ionic Material
Ionic Framework
NB: all versions pre-1.0 are intended as a work in progress 'Alpha'
See our releases and other versions
Documentation and Demo App (in-browser simulation)
Documentation Application @ (Use the ☰ menu for Documentation sections)
Quick Start
Step 1: Install using cd /PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT
bower install ionic-material
font (by Google)
Step 2: Add Via CDN:
<link href=',500,700,400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
via Bower
Check out RobotoDraft by RaiButera on Github
bower install robotodraft
using Sass? instructions for raibutera/robotodraft + scss:
$RobotoDraftFontPath: "../fonts"; // REMINDER: edit as appropriate!
$RobotoDraftFontName: "RobotoDraft";
$RobotoDraftFontVersion: "1.0.0";
@import "/PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT/bower_components/robotodraft/sass/robotodraft.scss"; // REMINDER: edit as appropriate!
NB: the above assumes you are using Bower
Step 3: Add Ionic Material stylesheets and scripts
Add ionic.material.min.css
and ionic.material.min.js
to your index.html
<link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="lib/ionic-material/ionic.material.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="lib/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="lib/ionic-material/ionic.material.min.js"></script>
Step 4: Inject Ionic & Ionic Material into your Ionic App
var app = angular.module('YOUR_APP_NAME', ['ionic', 'ionic-material']);
Step 5: Where appropriate, inject ionicMaterialInk and/or ionicMaterialMotion
The angular services ionicMaterialInk
and ionicMaterialMotion
are used to activate animations.
You are all set to go!
Activating Animations
NB: Make sure the relevant services are injected into your controllers.
In your controllers:
(will need to happen once on controller activation and then repeat every time the objects update)ionicMaterialMotion.ripple()
Sample App
Ionic demo app "Thronester" is found within './demo' - You can also run 'index.html' locally to view in a webkit browser on a computer.
npm install
gulp build
(orgulp style
for just the stylesheets)
Look at gulpfile.js
for how the process works.
This project uses Webpack
What is Ionic Material?
Ionic material is aimed at being an extension library for the Ionic Framework, meaning you won't change the way you develop your Ionic hybrid apps to have them materialized. Ionic Material aims to integrate the best representations of Material Design into a single add-on library for Ionic Developers. With the Polymer Project, ngMaterial, and other open source projects arising, we aim to be actively engaged and aligned with these, and other, related projects.
As a 100% free open-source project, developer participation is encouraged, as much or little as possible.
Can I use Ionic and Angular Material together?
Ionic and Angular Material are fairly incompatible (you can add them to the same project, but the styling will be extremely inconsistent and none of the UI components will work cross-framework, eg. an ionic side menu with material tabs). Ionic is 1.0 and angular material is still pre-1.0.
Ionic Material is best explained as a "material extension" to Ionic, rather than to Angular as a whole. The difference isn't just semantics - Ionic Material extends the actual ionic framework namespace (in JS), renders material styles on the ionic elements (following ionic's conventions), and will aim to follow the releases of Ionic, and support material theming, ink, and motion for any new Ionic release.
Ionic Material will pull in the best ideas of Angular Material, Paper/Polymer, etc. and by the same tune, Ionic Material will also abstract the parts of the framework that would be beneficial outside of ionic apps (like animations, motions) into their standalone git projects so they can be adopted for use in -any- web project that uses material design.
How can I contribute?
Please see our contribution guidelines
Want to become an official collaborator? Please contact @zachsoft
Roadmap and the Future
See Milestones
Rough Ideas
Complete implementation of Material Design specification.
Full UI Kit w/ dozens of templates for rapid application development. Inspired by amazing kits like:
Increase animation performance. We're really stretching the limits of hybrid app animations - if you have ideas on performance adjustments, we're all ears and would love the insight.
Port animate.js with bezier curve adjustments to match "authentic motion" spec of Material Design.
Bug fixes