
Music player, HTML5, js, php

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Download and place the iPlayMusic-folder in your web-root (the same folder as your index.html)


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./iPlayMusic/sys/iPlayMusic.css" media="screen" />

into your html document <head>

and paste:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./iPlayMusic/sys/iPlayMusic.js"></script>

into your html document, just before </body>

What about dev_iPlayMusic?

The dev_iPlayMusic-folder is just the same as the iPlayMusic-folder, just not compressed. It's for development. If you don't plan to develop, you can simply delete it.


  • Copy your music files into the folder iPlayMusic/music/
  • Cope your album art image (160px*160px) into iPlayMusic/albumart/
  • Remove iPlayMusic/albumart/default_album_art.png

To support all browsers at least both .mp3's and .ogg-files need to be supplied


School project -HTML5, js & php music player

Project will supply users with a code-snippet implemented music player to integrate into their web page

Project technologies:

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • php

Project main focus:

  • Web based music player
  • Compatible with all major browsers, as long as they are up to date (I.E. no IE6-support... Or 7 or 8)
  • Compatible with iOS5-devices

Project should offer simplicity:

  • Download files
  • Implement snippets
  • Copy music to a specified folder and it should work.


  • Repeat mode (off/one/all -default "all")
  • Album art
  • Tracklist

Project dev site:



  • Audio tag
  • Canvas as progress bar


  • Find all files in folder (music)
  • Sort files by file type
  • Return array of files (matching file type condition) as json
  • Find album art file
  • Return album art filename as string


  • Detect browser audio file compatability
  • Music player functions (Play, Stop, Pause, Previous, Next)
  • Receive json information from PHP back end, and populate music list
  • Maximize / minimize music player


– create a config file for user customization

  • Custom music folder
  • Custom album art folder