Visual Representation of In Progress Calls (IPC)
Here's a demo of the application, which generates new calls every 5 seconds.
- Check calls status through the curve color. Currently unanswered calls are represented by a grey curve, and ongoing calls by green one.
- Control the point of view using the left mouse button to rotate, and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Possible future features
- Improved location for calls origin and destination, resulting in a richer visualization.
- Enable selection of countries, displaying only calls from and to it.
- Enable the visualization of the number of calls between two locations. At the moment if two or more calls are ongoing between the same two locations, only one curve is visible.
- Develop some dashboard widgets.
Getting started
Main components
This application is based on WebGL, using the Three.js library to create and manage the scene objects. The scene is composed by four main objects, three spheres (starts, Earth and Earth's clouds) and an object aggregating all drawn curves.
Using a previously acquired [list](// of countries' data, all calls are geocoded using the dial codes from the phone numbers. With this [process](// a latitude/longitude is obtained for the call's origin and destination, enabling its visualization on the globe.
The interactions between all the various components are coordinated using a mediator, facilitating the decouple of the various objects. With this, the components can be changed almost completely without impact on others. For example, another tool could replace WebGL, while keeping the call generation class and the geocoding process working as is.
This class handles most of the application logic, subscribing and publishing to all the required topics, orchestrating the complete animation.
Building project
- Install Node.js and NPM
- Install Grunt CLI
The project uses Grunt Command Line Interface (CLI) to automated repetitive tasks. Install it by typing:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Install the NPM packages
To install the project required packages, navigate to the project directory and type:
npm install
The following tasks are available for use:
- Serve the project files locally using Grunt
grunt serve
- Builds the project, watching for changes
grunt dev
- Minifies and uglifies code
grunt min
- Runs a javascript code quality tool over the project code
grunt test
Libraries and resources used
- Underscore - Programming helpers
- Moment - Date/time library
- Three - WebGL library