
Add Geolocation map widget for connected WANs

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Add a Geolocation map widget dropping pins/dots where each WAN address is coming from.

  • Need to find free, or freeish geolocation service to use
  • maybe make this a user setting, users provide their own token.

Not sure with what languages your comfortable using but Folium looks like it could work:

Sorry to double post, but I found something similar in another program to mine chia:


Hopefully this might help.

@AgentHarm you're fine. To be honest I forgot I needed to look into this... sorry :(. Start of the year has been a bit hectic, but I do like the idea and want to do something with it.

Promise to stop linking stuff soon, i would try myself, but not quite techy enough, found an open source project that you could use instead:
no pressure, I just enjoy your project :)

note to self: library to do lookups locally, but requires a third party token to get data... might be useful, but that could cause problems later: https://www.npmjs.com/package/geoip-lite

note to self: another lib that could be better: https://ip2location-nodejs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html