Provide dual solution for linear SVM and compare its run time performance on MNIST dataset from We first state the primal problem of hard margin linear SVM as
By Lagrangian function, coefficient
# Load libraries
import utils1,numpy,cvxopt,cvxopt.solvers,scipy,scipy.spatial,random,time
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original') #get MNIST data set
Xtrain =[:60000]
Xtest =[60000:70000]
Ttrain =[:60000]
Ttest =[60000:70000]
Xtrain = Xtrain[(Ttrain==5)|(Ttrain==6)]
Ttrain = Ttrain[(Ttrain==5)|(Ttrain==6)]
Ttrain = 1.0*(Ttrain==5)-1.0*(Ttrain==6) #label digit5 as 1, digit6 as -1
Xtest = Xtest[(Ttest==5)|(Ttest==6)]
Ttest = Ttest[(Ttest==5)|(Ttest==6)]
Ttest = 1.0*(Ttest==5)-1.0*(Ttest==6)
m = Xtrain.mean(axis=0)
Xtrain = Xtrain - m
s = Xtrain.std()
Xtrain = Xtrain / s
R = numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState(1234).permutation(len(z))[:1000]
Xtrain = Xtrain[R]
Ttrain = Ttrain[R]
our objective function and restraint is, vector label pairs denote as
And could be rewritten as optimization problem of CVXOPT as below, \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \min_{\alpha} & \frac{1}{2}\alpha^T P \alpha \ & \mbox{s.t } & -1 \times \left(\mathbf{X} | \mathbf{1} \right) \alpha \leq \frac{\mathbf{1}}{y} \ \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
where $\alpha
= \left( \begin{array}{c}
w_1 \
\vdots \
w_{748} \
b \end{array} \right)$ and
cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
case_n = len(Xtrain) #1000
dim_n = len(Xtrain[0]) #784
# Prepare the matrices for the quadratic program
def getPrim(Z,y):
case_n = len(Z) #1000
dim_n = len(Z[0]) #784
P1 = numpy.asarray(numpy.diag(numpy.ones(dim_n)))
P2 = numpy.zeros([1, dim_n]) #collect P2
P3 = numpy.zeros([1, 1])
Pup = numpy.concatenate((P1,P2.T),axis = 1)
Pdown = numpy.concatenate((P2,P3),axis = 1)
P = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.concatenate((Pup,Pdown), axis = 0))
q = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros([dim_n +1 ,1]))
G = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.concatenate((Z*-1.,numpy.ones([case_n,1])*-1.), axis = 1)) #combine G1 G2
h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros(case_n)/y)
A = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros([1, dim_n +1]))
b = cvxopt.matrix(0.0)
return P,q,G,h,A,b
P,q,G,h,A,b = getPrim(Xtrain, Ttrain)
# Train the model (i.e. compute the alphas)
alpha = numpy.array(cvxopt.solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)['x']).flatten()
w_prim = alpha[:dim_n]
b_prim = alpha[dim_n:dim_n+1]
print alpha.shape
print w_prim.shape, b_prim
The objective for the corresponding dual problem is to minimize the objective function, and state as matrix format as below,
\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \min_{0 \leq \beta_i \leq C} & \frac{1}{2} \alpha^T \mathbf{H} \alpha - \mathbf{1}^T \alpha \ & \mbox{s.t } & \alpha \geq \mathbf{0} \ & \mbox{where} & \mathbf{H} = yy^T \odot XX^T \end{aligned} \end{equation*}
Then, given the SV
is the set of indices corresponding to the unbound support vectors.
cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
# Prepare the matrices for the quadratic program
def getDual(Z,y):
nb = len(Z)
nt = len(y)
P = cvxopt.matrix((numpy.outer(y,y) *,Z.T)))
#P = cvxopt.matrix(((numpy.outer(Ttrain,Ttrain))*(,Xtrain.T)*-1)))
q = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.ones(nb)*-1.,(nb,1))
G = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.diag(numpy.ones(nb)* -1.))
h = cvxopt.matrix(numpy.zeros(nb))
A = cvxopt.matrix(y,(1,nt))
b = cvxopt.matrix(0.0)
return P,q,G,h,A,b
P,q,G,h,A,b = getDual(Xtrain,Ttrain)
# Train the model (i.e. compute the alphas)
alpha = numpy.array(cvxopt.solvers.qp(P,q,G,h,A,b)['x']).flatten()
w_dual =,Ttrain*alpha)
SV = (alpha>1e-6)
uSV = SV*(alpha<1e-6)
b_dual = 1.0/(sum(uSV)+10^-10)*(Ttrain[uSV][uSV,:],Xtrain.T),alpha*Ttrain)).sum()
print alpha.shape
print w_dual.shape, b_dual
If we change to soft-margin SVM with slack variable C, and changing the notation of label. We could generate a run time comparison betwenn Primal solution and Dual solution. The run time for Dual solution is almost one-half to the Primal in changing of slack variable or changing sample size, which makes it a more convenient way of solving SVM.