
Bash script that helps use the pomodoro technique

Primary LanguageShell


A bashscript project that provides a simple to use pomodoro.



Get the pomodoro script using either git:

git clone https://github.com/jnduli/pomodoro.git
cd pomodoro

or curl:

curl https://github.com/jnduli/pomodoro/blob/master/pomodoro.sh > pomodoro.sh

You can install it globally (i.e. accessed by different logged in users) by:

cp pomodoro.sh /usr/local/bin

or accessed by your user alone using:

cp pomodoro.sh $HOME/.local/bin

Quick Start Usage

To run a pomodoro where you work for 30 minutes and rest for 10 minutes do:

pomodoro.sh -r 10 -p 30

To get more help and options, do:

pomodoro.sh -h


  • Set up the working time and resting time e.g. to rest for 5 minutes and work for 30 minutes: pomodoro.sh -r 5 -p 30
  • Debug mode, where the pomodoro runs for seconds instead of minutes: pomodoro.sh -r 5 -p 5 -d
  • Retrospection mode, where the script outputs all the work logged during the day: pomodoro.sh -l

Reading the code

The script starts running from the main function, so you can start here as you try to understand it.

Debugging bash

To debug a function/section add: set -x before the place to debug and a set +x at the end.