A tasklite clone made to learn rust. It has some changes to cater for how I'd like to use the tool.
The cli tool. Install with:
cargo install --path rust_tasks
and configure with a file in $HOME/.config/rust_tasks/config.toml
strain = "Api"
uri = ""
strain = "SQLite"
uri = "file:///path/to/sqlite.db"
Summary configuration is optional and looks like:
start = "08:00"
end = "17:00"
tags.meeting = "PT30M"
tags.work = "PT45M"
goal = "PT30M"
which we use to calculated some stats about how the day is going on.
Sync configuration is optinal and is similar to the [backend]
config like:
[[sync]] # first sync
strain = "Api"
uri = "http://abc.co"
[[sync]] # second sync
strain = "SQLite"
uri = "file:///path/to/sync.db"
rust_tasks --help
A server that's compatible with the cli tool's Api
strain. Install with:
cargo install --path tasks_server
and configure with a file at $HOME/.config/rust_tasks/tasks_server.toml
db_uri = "file:///path/to/sqlite.db"
bind_address = ""
Or you can use docker by running:
docker image build -f server_dockerfile -t tasks_server .
docker container run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/test_server.toml:/.config/rust_tasks/tasks_server.toml \
-v /home/rookie/gdrive_rclone/tasklite/main.db:/tmp/tasklite.db \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-p tasks_server
In guix, to install rust_tasks
export CC=$(which gcc)
guix install sqlite
- add support for
rt health
to check if storage is healthy - explore using crdts as a storage type