Explanation of Soil Application Metrics

This is a brief overview for Web Soil Survey Metrics.

Filter options are as follows: STATE – Filter by two-letter state abbreviation or “xnational” for National query_frequency – Can be filtered on CY for Calendar Year, FY for Fiscal Year, or M for Month.

  • Choosing CY will cause query_month to all be “1” which is the first month of the calendar year (January). The aggregations have already been done for you and are displayed in COUNT
  • Choosing FY will cause query_month to all be “10” which is the first month of the fiscal year (October) The aggregations have already been done for you and are displayed in COUNT
  • Choosing M will cause query_month to be 1 thru 12, except January of 2014 which we do not have data for.
  • When choosing CY or FY the aggregations are already done for you. You do not have to add up all the Months for the year. For example: Filter by query_frequency = CY, query_year=2015, STATE=xnational, query_title=Ratings and you will see that in CY2015 for National the Hydrologic Soil Group rating was ran 101,238 times.
  • When choosing FY be aware that if you filter by query_frequency = FY, query_year=2015 you will see query_month set to “10” and the results are actually FY2016 results because October 2015 is the beginning of FY2016.

Additional WSS charts and metrics for other web pages and/or applications will eventually be added to the shared folder.

Things to come:

  • Least used ratings
  • Lease used reports
  • Soil Data Access charts
  • Lab Data Mart charts
  • Web Soil Survey Centroid