'The Story of a Naval Life' by Admiral Sir Hugh Tweedie

Project to digitise The Story of a Naval Life by Admiral Sir Hugh Tweedie.

Copyright is held by the estate of Admiral Sir Hugh Tweedie.

Directory structure

  1. Scanned pictures are in the /img directory with filenames p<y>.jpg. Lighting/alignment should be good and a better quality should be used for the pictures than for the text pages.
  2. Edited and tidied text files are in the /md directory with filenames ch<x>.md
  3. The epub version of the book is in /epub

Current progress

  • all chapters have been scanned, OCR'ed, tidied to text, converted to MD and converted to epub.
  • there has been no editing or review process.

Conversion to epub

  • I use Pandoc to convert the markdown to epub.
  • The command I use is:
pandoc -s -t epub3 -o TSOANL.epub --toc --toc-depth=1 `ls ../md/ch*`
  • There may be some post-pandoc tidy-up to do. I won't do that until I've completely finished scanning/tidying/collating the book.
  • I should use a git pre-upgrade hook to make sure the epub version is at least as new as the markdown version. I haven't implemented this yet.