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💳 Primer Example Backend

This project is a very simple companion backend to the example apps of Primer Universal Checkout:

This server uses Node as the runtime (v16 to be compatible with Glitch) and Fastify as the HTTP server framework.

🚀 Get started


  • A Primer sandbox account 👤

  • An API key for your Sandbox 🔑
    You can grab your API key or create a new one from the Primer Dashboard.

Deploy on Glitch ⚡️

We recommend using Glitch to quickly spin up a new instance of your server for free.

  1. First, click on this button to open the project in Glitch and start the server.
    It may take a moment to start.

    Remix With Glitch

  2. On Glitch, open the file .env.
    Set the environment variable PRIMER_API_KEY to your Primer sandbox API key.

  3. On Glitch, grab the URL of your Glitch instance.
    It should look like

  4. Paste your Glitch instance URL in the example project.

Run it locally

  1. First, make sure Node is installed on your machine.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd ./example-backend
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Clone the file .env.example and call it .env. Set the environment variable PRIMER_API_KEY to your Primer sandbox API key.

  5. Execute the following script on a terminal window:

    npm start

🤖 Capabilities

  • GET /
    Health check

  • POST /client-session
    Create a client session