
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker for WordPress

Run and Build

After cloning the repo, you will have both docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile files, you can simply run this command docker-compose up -d, if you made any change over the file, you can run also docker-compose build to include the changes.

Setting up permissions

If you are using a LINUX or similar, you have to make sure you have proper write permissions, to do so run: sudo chmod 775 -R . on the root folder.

Use custom domains other than localhost

If you want to work with custom domains in your local environment, there are a couple of steps to take first.

Step 1: Create a network

This network will be used to connect all the container with the Reverse Proxy. Use the next command:

docker network create --driver bridge reverse-proxy

Step 2: Set up an Reverse Proxy

docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro --network reverse-proxy --name reverse-proxy jwilder/nginx-proxy

If for any reason you experience any timeout error you can increase the timeout by adding this to the previous command -v ~/path-in-your-machine/nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d, also you need to add a new file with name proxy-settings.conf and add the next statements inside:

proxy_connect_timeout       300;
proxy_send_timeout          300;
proxy_read_timeout          90m;
send_timeout                300;

client_max_body_size        5000m;

You can increase the values if is needed.

Step 3: Create an entry on the hosts file

It's depend on your operating system, for windows is on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, for Linux Ubuntu based is on /etc/hosts. Search for your specific operating system.

Once you found your hosts file location, add a new entry inside, should look like this: mywpsite.local myotherwpsite.dev

And so on...

Step 4: Customize your docker-compose.yml file

Add the next entries at the very bottom of your docker-compose.yml

        external: true

Also, add these entries in your web/server container

      - reverse-proxy
      - default
        VIRTUAL_HOST: mywpsite.local

The VIRTUAL_HOST env variable value will be your domain and need to match with the value settled on the hosts file.