
A Stata implementation of the Threshold Vector Autoregression Model and a study of a nuisance parameter with bootstrapping and Monte Carlo simulation.

Primary LanguageStata

The Threshold Vector-autogression Program Package

This Stata Threshold Vector Autoregression (TVAR) program package estimates the TVAR(2) model and implement a grid search for the optimal threshold parameter.

.Zip Remarks

For users' convenience, files are zipped as TVAR.zip.

List of Files in TVAR.zip:

The directory /prog/ contains programs :

File Name Description
1. prog/installation.do Initialisation of the environment for the program package
2. prog/estimation/TVAR_2r.ado The main program to estimate a 2-regime TVAR
3. prog/help/TVAR_2r.sthlp The help file for TVAR_2r
4. prog/estimation/TVAR_est.ado A helper program for estimating a TVAR model
5. prog/estimation/var_mle.ado A helper program to estimate the TVAR using the maximum likelihood
6. prog/estimation/var_ols.ado A helper program to estimate the TVAR using the ordinary least square
7. prog/grid_search/grid_search.ado The main (wrapper) program to implement grid searches for a TVAR model
8. prog/grid_search/grid_search_op.ado A helper program for a TVAR model's grid searches
9. prog/help/TVAR_2r_grid_search.sthlp The help file for TVAR_2r_grid_search
10. prog/monte/bootstrap.ado A program to implement bootstrapping re-sampling process
11. prog/monte/normal_simulation.ado A program to implement a Monte Carlo Simulation for TVAR using random variables of uniform[0,1] and Normal(0,1)
12. prog/monte/test_normal_simulation.ado A wrapper program for implementing the above Monte Carlo simulation

Example 1: TVAR(2) Estimation

Please install associated files before running examples below.


. webuse set http://www.stata.com/users/dschenck/
. webuse usmacro.dta

Assume that observations with an odd index belongs to Regime 1. Other observations belong to Regime 0.

. gen ind = 0
. replace ind = 1 if mod(_n,2) == 1

Fit TVAR(2) by OLS with constant, 1 lag (the default), 0 delay (the default) and dln_m1 being the threshold variable from the fifth observation to the 200th observation.

. TVAR_2r unrate inflation in 5/200, indicator(ind) nlag(1) d(0) constant(1) ols(1)


. TVAR_2r unrate inflation in 5/200, indicator(ind) nlag(1) d(0) constant(1) ols(1)
(8 observations deleted)

Threshold Vector Autoregression with 2 Regimes ( TVAR(2) ): Estimation
Dependent Variables       : unrate inflation
Indicator Variable        : ind
Delay Parameter (d)       : 0
Number of Lags  (nlag)    : 1/1
Constant?                 : Yes
Estimation Method         : Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Estimation

Estimation Results:

   Regime      Parms        R^2       RMSE     Sample Size        Success?
        0          6     0.8927     0.7851              98             Yes
        1          6     0.9019     0.7513              98             Yes
No Regime          6     0.9641     0.4532             196             Yes

Regime         |  Coefficients 
Regime 0       |
unrate:        |
_cons          |  0.5244
L1.unrate      |  0.8364
L1.inflation   |  0.1121
inflation:     |
_cons          |  1.7294
L1.unrate      | -0.2636
L1.inflation   |  0.9604
Regime 1       |
unrate:        |
_cons          |  0.5231
L1.unrate      |  0.8369
L1.inflation   |  0.1119
inflation:     |
_cons          |  1.7266
L1.unrate      | -0.2666
L1.inflation   |  0.9648
No Regime      |
unrate:        |
_cons          |  0.1607
L1.unrate      |  0.9369
L1.inflation   |  0.0542
inflation:     |
_cons          |  0.9716
L1.unrate      | -0.1600
L1.inflation   |  0.9955


Example 2: TVAR(2) Grid Search


.  webuse m1gdp
.  tsset t
.  drop if ln_m1==.
.  gen dln_m1 = d.ln_m1
.  gen dln_gdp = d.ln_gdp

Perform a grid search for the optimal threshold value for TVAR consisting of dln_gdp and dln_m1 (with constant). dln_m1 is the threshold variable. Trim is set to 15%. Both lag order and delay parameter are set to 1. The estimation is conducted via OLS. We also impose restriction on sample period.

.  TVAR_2r_grid_search dln_gdp dln_m1 if t>=tq(1980q1), threshold(dln_m1) ptrim(0.15) d(1) nlag(1) constant(1) ols(1)


  1. Hansen, B. (1999). Testing for linearity. Journal of Economic Surveys, 13(5):551–576.

  2. Hansen, B. E. (1996a). Estimation of TAR Models. Boston College Working Papers in Economics 325., Boston College Department of Economics.

  3. Hansen, B. E. (1996b). Inference when a nuisance parameter is not identified under the null hypothesis. Econometrica, 64(2):413–430.

  4. Lo, M. C. and Zivot, E. (2001). Threshold Cointegration And Nonlinear Adjustment To The Law Of One Price. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 5(04):533–576.

  5. Tsay, R. S. (1998). Testing and modeling multivariate threshold models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93(443):1188–1202.