
Project completed for CSCI 4239 in Spring 2021

Primary LanguageC++

CSCI 4239 Project

A note for GitHub viewers: All of the textures and models have been compressed into data.zip. If you want to run this program, you have to extract
the two folders there into the main directory.

We made it!

My project is essentially a model viewer with the ability to tweak the
material properties of individual objects, as well as some basic lighting

opengl 4.0

Quick Directions:
IF DOWNLOADED FROM GITHUB: Unzip data.zip into the main folder, it contains the models and textures.
This may need to be downloaded separately, it is a large file that does not play nicely with Git.
run "make" from main folder

Below are the features that I think are most interesting in this project.
  The program uses stored textures to calculate lighting values for individual
  surfaces. While ambient and diffuse light are mostly constant for all
  objects in this scene, this is most apparent with the variation in specular
  lighting for each object. The book and lamps are great examples of this, but
  it can also be seen in the wood grain of the desk and floor when there is
  specular reflection.
-Bump Maps-
  The wall uses a bump map to add some texture, which requires an additional
  tesselation and geometry shader.
  Depth from the POV of the point light (represented here by a cube) is rendered
  to a framebuffer with a CubeMap depth attachment, which is then referenced
  by both material shaders in the fragment phase to compare against the "depth"
  of the current fragment from the light.

Unfortunately, I was not able to fix all issues before the due date of this
assignment. For reasons I have not been able to work out, lighting does not
function on the ceiling, and the particular bump map I've used for the wall
is rough and doesn't tile perfectly, so it's been toned down for the final
project. If you would like to see more intense bumps, you can increase the
bump_intensity uniform in mtl_wall.geom.

w,a,s,d:	 Move
arrow keys:	 Rotate camera
l:			 start/stop light rotation
p:			 set light position to current camera position
o:			 reset light to circle
+/-:		 Rotate light manually
I had a lot of fun making this, even if it was frustrating at times
(trying to make shadows work, for example). I would say it took me around
40-50 hours, keeping in mind that a lot of that was grunt work on JNGL where
I wasn't necessarily working on the important features you see in the end
result--more just loading and managing file data.