
  1. Make Executable

    Build and Run (Simulator).sh by opening this folder in terminal then type

    chmod -x "Build and Run (Simulator).sh"
  2. Add Environment Variable

    First backup .bash_profile by executing in terminal:

    cp ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.bak

    Open ~/.bash_profile in a text editor and add these lines with proper SDK path the end (if not previously added)

    export PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH="<path to PlaydateSDK>"
    #for example export PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH="/home/robin/.PlaydateSDK/PlaydateSDK-1.12.3"
    export PATH="$PATH:<path to bin folder in PlaydateSDK>"
    #for example export PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH="/home/robin/.PlaydateSDK/PlaydateSDK-1.12.3/bin"
  3. Open template folder with VSCode, install recomended extensions (popup will show in the lower right corner): Lua, Lua Plus. Then restart VSCode.

  4. If you want to change "build and run" key (default is Ctrl+Shift+B):

    • Ctrl + K, Ctrl + S
    • Change keybind for Tasks: Run Build Task (I've changed to F5)
  5. Your can find your main.lua file inside source folder. Press your "Run Build Task" button, you should see "Template" text in playdate simulator.

  6. Feel free to delete dvd.lua and all dvd-related lines from main.lua (marked -- DEMOO)