
A pure-python, dependency free, tool for iterating over two columns across two CSVs in RAM

Primary LanguagePython

CSV Column Compare

Lists the elements of one column (left), which are not in another (right), across two CSVs

  • Pure Python (s/b 2.7, +3.5)
  • Column or 0-index based header selection
  • Easy to tweak the reader or it's options (delimiter, escape, etc.)
  • Ignores case and padding (via .lower() and .strip())
  • Single File
  • In-RAM
  • Output is sorted alphabetically
  • Output is de-duplicated

... and no testing, license or warranty of any kind!


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jnmclarty/csvcolcmp/master/main.py
python main.py left.csv some_col right.csv other_col > left_not_in_right.csv