
Generate completions for Django and the fish shell.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Django Fish Completions

Build Status

A script to generate Django completions for Fish Shell.


  1. Determine if you want the pre-generated file or if you want to generate your own:
    • If you just want the general completions, download the file for your Django version and save it to the fish functions:
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apie/fish-django-completions/master/output/django2.2/__fish_complete_django.fish -O ~/.config/fish/functions/__fish_complete_django.fish
    • If you want completions for Django and also for your own management commands, copy the file fish_django_completions.py into the folder with your other management commands. Then run:
    ./manage.py fish_django_completions -f ~/.config/fish/functions/__fish_complete_django.fish
  2. Append the following to ~/.config/fish/config.fish to activate the completions:
    __fish_complete_django django-admin.py
    __fish_complete_django manage.py

Known Issues

  • python manage.py cant be completed at the moment, use ./manage.py