
Python framework to scrape Pastebin pastes and analyze them

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pastepwn - Paste-Scraping Python Framework

Build Status PyPI version Coverage Status

Pastebin is a very helpful tool to store or rather share ascii encoded data online. In the world of OSINT, pastebin is being used by researchers all around the world to retreive e.g. leaked account data, in order to find indicators about security breaches.

Pastepwn is a framework to scrape pastes and scan them for certain indicators. There are several analyzers and actions to be used out-of-the-box, but it is also easily extensible - you can create your own analyzers and actions on the fly.

Please note: This framework is not to be used for illegal actions. It can be used for querying public Pastebin pastes for e.g. your username or email address in order to increase your own security.

Setup pastepwn

To use the pastepwn framework you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Make sure to have a Pastebin premium account!
  2. Install pastepwn via pip (pip install pastepwn
  3. Create a file (e.g. main.py) in your project root, where you put your code in²
  4. Fill that file with content - add analyzers and actions. Check the example implementation.

¹ Note that pastepwn only works with python3.5 or higher (so better use pip3)
² (If you want to store all pastes, make sure to setup a mongodb, mysql or sqlite instance)

Behind a proxy

There are 2 ways to use this tool behind a proxy:

  • Define the following environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY.
  • When initializing the PastePwn object, use the proxies argument. proxies is a dict as defined in requests' documentation.


There are quite some features which will be implemented in the (near) future. Check the bug tracker on GitHub to get an up-to-date status about features and ToDos.

  • REST API for querying paste data
  • Adding more analyzers and actions, based on community input
  • Adding support for other paste sites
  • Add a helpful wiki with instructions and examples