
Multi-threading introduction by "Dining philosophers problem" solving

Primary LanguageC


Multi-threading introduction by "Dining philosophers problem" solving

nbr_of_philosopher time_to_die time_to_eat time_to_sleep [max_meal]


To count the nbr of meals taken be all philosophers: ./philo_one 200 410 200 200 1 | grep "is eating" | wc -l

Nbdy die : 4 410 200 200 4 311 150 150 5 600 150 150 5 800 200 200 7 7 600 150 150 8 311 150 150 50 311 150 150

Sbdy die : 3 310 200 100 4 100 200 200 4 310 200 100

Limit Values: 200 410 200 200 --> nbdy die 2 310 200 200 --> death display must be < 10ms 2 100 60 60