
Setting-up a multi-services cluster based on Docker and deployed with Kubernetes.
Each service is running in a dedicated container, working on Apline Linux.
All docker images are especially crafted for this project, none are from external registry.

What's included

The cluster is composed by these services, running in separate containers :

  • WordPress listening on port 5050.
  • phpMyAdmin, listening on port 5000.
  • MySQL database. Only accessible internally by others containers. In a persistant Volume.
  • Nginx server listening on ports 80 and 443.
  • FTP server: vsftpd listening on port 21.
  • Grafana, listening on port 3000 for monitoring all containers, with one dashboard by service.
  • telegraf for collecting and sending metrics.
  • InfluxDB database to store metrics. In a persistant Volume.

Some precisions:

  • In case of a crash or stop of one of the two database containers, the data persist.
  • The Nginx container is accessible by ssh on port 30022.
  • The containers can restart thanks to liveness probes.
  • The Kubernetes web dashboard is used to check the containers.

Some usefull commands

Start Kubernetes locally with minikube:

minikube start

Open dashboard:

minikube dashboard

Get pods info:

kubectl get pods

Launch a shell into a container:

kubectl exec -it [pod_name] -- /bin/sh

Connect via ssh:

ssh $(user)@$(minikube ip) -p 30022 - password: $(password)

Delete container:

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods | grep pod_name | cut -d" " -f1) -c container_name -- /bin/sh -c "kill 1"

Apply all K8's files:


Delete all:
