
A repository for holding code for the year one situational awareness demo.

Situational Awareness Demo

This repository will hold the code and documentation for the year one situational awareness demonstrator. The demonstrator consists for four data flows:

  1. A user will be wearing UWB localization tags. These tags will send ranges over WiFi to an MQTT broker.
  2. The location and orientation of the user's VR headset will be published to MQTT.
  3. A drone will be flying around the space being localized by OptiTrack. The drone's location will also be published to the MQTT broker.
  4. On the drone will be a BLEES environmental sensor. It will send lux readings to the MQTT broker

Using these four data flows:

  1. The drone will fly around collecting lux data (in a sweep or random walk) while avoiding the user.
  2. The user will walk around the space wearing the AR/VR headset. The headset will visualize both the drone and lux data collected by the light sensor.

This demo shows exhibits several key components of CONIX:

  1. Drone control and obstacle avoidance
  2. The coordination of multiple localization systems into a single coordinate space
  3. The ability to visualize data in VR which simulates data that might be found in a situation calling for enhanced perception/awareness
  4. The standardization of data formats across multiple systems and platforms from different research groups in CONIX.