
Image magick difference wrapper with integration with capybara and rspec matchers

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Dotdiff is a very basic wrapper around imåge magick compare program which works with both Capybara and RSpec to capture and compare the images with a simple rspec matcher.

It is now also possible to snapshot a particular element on the page just by using the standard capybara finders - which once the element is found will query the browser for its dimensions and placement on the page and use that metadata to crop using chunky_png from a full page snapshot.

It can also hide certain elements via executing javascript for elements which can change with different display suchas username or user specific details, but only for full page screenshots.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

This is the same for JRuby platform as well (both MRI and JRuby versions of gem is uploaded)

gem 'dotdiff'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dotdiff



First ensure to install image magick binary which is available via apt-get or brew

In your spec/spec_helper

require 'dotdiff'

If you want the rspec_matcher require the following as well

require 'dotdiff/rspec_matcher'


In an initializer you can configure certain options example shown below within Dotdiff

DotDiff.configure do |config|
  config.image_magick_diff_bin = `which compare`
  config.pixel_threshold = { type: 'percent', value: 0.04 }
  config.image_magick_options = '-metric AE'
  config.image_store_path = File.join('/home', 'user', 'images')
  config.xpath_elements_to_hide = ["id('main')"]
  config.hide_elements_on_non_full_screen_screenshot = true
  config.failure_image_path = File.join('/home', 'user', 'failure_comparisions')

Spec usage

For a full page screenshot you can use the below;

expect(page).to match_image('HomePage', subdir: 'Normitec')

For a specific element screenshot you can use like so;

expect(find('#login-form')).to match_image('LoginForm', subdir: 'Normitec')

The only difference for the element specific is passing a specific element in the expect parameter.

Configuration Options

Config Description Example Default Required
image_magick_diff_bin Location of the image magick compare binary file which compare N/A Yes
image_store_path The root path to store the base images File.join('/home', 'user','images') nil Yes
xpath_elements_to_hide When taking full page screenshots it will hide elements specified that might change each time and re-shows them after the screenshot. It doesn't use this option for taking screenshots of specific elements. ["id('main')", "//div[contains(@class, 'formy'])[1]"] [] No
hide_elements_on_non_full_screen_screenshot When taking non full page screenshots whether to also hide elements using xpath_elements_to_hide or not hide anything at all true false No
failure_image_path When a comparison occurs and the perceptual_diff binary returns a failure with the message. It will dump the new image taken for comparison to this directory. If not supplied it will not move the images from the temporary location that it is generated at. File.join('/home', 'user','failures') nil No
pixel_threshold This validates the output from compare is within your specified threshold_config which supports pixel or percent value { type: 'percent', value: 0.03 } { type: 'pixel', value: 100 } No
image_magick_options This allows you to pass some custom options to image magick '-fuzz 10% -metric RSME' '-fuzz 5% -metric AE' No


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jnormington/dotdiff.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Whats still to do

Its not fully completed yet but is usable in its current state.

  • Improve the message output to extract just the fail line
  • Add an integration spec