this converts jdbc databases to couchdb or other REST PUT methods.
this README file is almost as long as the code. call these scripts with no params for simple help.
mvn install
run from project dir using scripts in bin:
- asyncronous REST inserts
- reify json strings
- bulk inserts
- remove gson and use Jackson
- review kotlin serializers
- sort of configurable Numerics options like squelching ".0"
each of these simple query utilities have some basic self-docs by running without parms, shown below.
each is wrapped in a shell script that figures out the how to add lib/*.jar
to the classpath
each utility uses configuration variables from the environment and also reiterates these as config variables to stderr as java -D
switches for next time.
the docs below are constructed by
for i in; do echo '###' $i ;echo ;echo '```';bin/$i 2>&1 |while read;do echo $REPLY ;done; echo '```';echo;done
dump small resultsets to apache arrow-feather.
++ dirname bin/
+ JDIR=bin/../
+ exec java -classpath 'bin/..//target/*:bin/..//target/lib/*' com.fnreport.QueryToFeather
dump query to stdout or $OUTPUT
[TABLE=tablename] [OUTPUT=outfilename.txt] com.fnreport.QueryToFeather 'jdbc-url' <sql>
dump resultsets to pandas fwf as stdout - stderr has pandas/python preamble
dump query to stdout or $OUTPUT
[TABLENAME=tablename] [OUTPUT=outfilename.txt] bin/ 'jdbc-url' <sql>
(deprecated) simple couchdb writer from all tables.
++ dirname bin/
+ JDIR=bin/../
+ java -Drest.async=false -classpath 'bin/.././target/*:bin/.././target/lib/*' com.fnreport.ToJson
copy all tables to json PUT
[ASYNC=true] [JSONINPUT=true] com.fnreport.ToJson dbhost dbname user password couchprefix [jdbc:url:etc]
writes connection catalog query parameters as couchdb bulk inserts
++ dirname bin/
+ JDIR=bin/../
+ exec java -classpath 'bin/..//target/*:bin/..//target/lib/*' com.fnreport.JdbcToCouchDbBulkKt
env vars:
[FETCHSIZE/* number of rows to fetch from jdbc */] [BULKSIZE:='500'/* number of rows to write in bulk */] [BATCHMODE/* ifnotnull */] [TERSE:='false'/* if not blank, this will write 1 array per record after potential record '_id' and will create a view to decorate the values as an object. */] [SCHEMAPATTERN] [CATALOG] [TABLENAMEPATTERN/* NULL is permitted, but pattern may include '%' also */] [TYPES:='["TABLE"]'/* array: Typical types are "TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE", "GLOBAL TEMPORARY", "LOCAL TEMPORARY", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM" */]
com.fnreport.JdbcToCouchDbBulk http://[admin:somepassword]@ jdbc:mysql://foo
writes a sql query to couchdb
++ dirname bin/
+ JDIR=bin/../
+ exec java -classpath 'bin/..//target/*:bin/..//target/lib/*' com.fnreport.SqlExecToJson
convert a query to json (and PUT to url)
[ASYNC=true] [JSONINPUT=true] com.fnreport.SqlExecToJson name pkname couch_prefix 'jdbc-url' <sql>
reads a couchdb table and a sql query and runs bulk add/update/delete of the delta
++ dirname bin/
+ JDIR=bin/../
+ exec java -classpath 'bin/..//target/*:bin/..//target/lib/*' com.fnreport.ReiterateDb
convert a query to json (and PUT to url)
[SORTINTS=false] [ALLORNOTHING=true] [JSONINPUT=false] com.fnreport.ReiterateDb name pkname couch_prefix 'jdbc-url' <sql>