
Docker Ambassador with SSL Support

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Docker Ambassador with SSL capabilities


Docker Ambassador is a tiny Alpine-based ambassador container for tunnelling and optionally securing your client-server connections that are unable to otherwise communicate or secure.


  • alpine-based image
  • socat for relaying traffic
  • Uses supervisor for monitoring the socat processes


( client                            )                 ( server                            )
( mysql-client -> client-ambassador ) --> network --> ( server-ambassador -> mysql-server )
                 [ ----------------- secure tunnelling ----------------- ]


Run server service:

docker run --name mysql-server -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass -d mysql

Run server ambassador:

docker run -d --link mysql-server:mysql-server --name server-ambassador \
        -p 3306:3306 jnovack/ambassador

Run client ambassador:

docker run -d --name client-ambassador --expose 3306 \
        -e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP=tcp:// jnovack/ambassador

Run client:

docker run -it --link mysql-ambassador:mysql-server \
        --name mysql-client mysql bash

Environment Variables

All environment variables are optional.

  • SSL - One of server or client. Instantiates the container as the client or server container in terms of SSL termination.
  • SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY - The server's concatenated private key and public certificate. Used on the server.
  • SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY - The server's public certificate. Used on the client for server verification.
  • CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY - The client's concatenated private key and public certificate. Used on the client.
  • CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY - The client's public certificate. Used on the server for client authentication.

If you provide a SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY to the client, you will only be able to connect to the servers with certificates in server.crt.

If you do not provide SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY to the client, then the server will not be verified, but still encrypted.

If you provide CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY to the server, only clients with certificates matching in client.crt will be permitted to connect. If you do not provide CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY any client may connect.

You can cat multiple client.crts together to allow for multiple clients.

Enable SSL

OpenSSL has been added to the image so you can secure, and optionally authenticate the connection.

The container will automatically generate certificates if you do not pass any in through the environment when you add the SSL environment variable.

By default with SSL enabled, the connection is encrypted but it is not authenticated, not a big deal for your average tunnel session, but for enhanced security, it will print out the certificate so you can copy it to the other end.

For server verification, copy the server's server.crt to the client and provide SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY to the client ambassador.

For client authentication, copy the client's client.crt to the client and provide CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY to the server ambassador.

Run server ambassador with SSL and client authentication:

docker run -d --name mysql-ambassador \
       --link mysql-server:mysql-server -p 3306:3306 -e SSL="server" \
       -e SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY="`cat server.pem`" \
       -e CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY="`cat client.crt`" \

Run client ambassador with SSL and server verification:

docker run -d --name mysql-ambassador --expose 3306 \
       -e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP=tcp:// -e SSL="client" \
       -e CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY="`cat client.pem`" \
       -e SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY="`cat server.crt`" \