
nginx + php-fpm + storage template for easily deployable website containers

Primary LanguageMakefile


  • nginx v1.13-alpine
  • php-fpm v7.1-alpine
  • storage (alpine:v3.5)


make keys

Prior to building the containers, you must generate a self-signed certificate to use for the website. This WILL throw errors in your browser, but should not hinder your development.

make keys

make template

To deploy this template, you must pass the domain name of the new application.

make DOMAIN=[www.docker.local] template

WARNING: This will destroy the .git/ subdirectory.

SSL Client Certificates

If you need SSL Client Certificate verification, you will need a CA certificate and CRL file within config/.

make DOMAIN=[www.docker.local] opt-ssl


A Laravel instance requires a storage container and some php modules installed, we can easily set that up.

make DOMAIN=[www.docker.local] opt-laravel

override production

The make template script automatically renamed docker-compose.override.yml.sample to docker-compose.override.yml. Modify it to your environment.

NOTE: Do not modifying docker-compose.yml directly. Doing so will cause conflicts on each update of the repository. Make all your docker-compose.yml changes to your local docker-compose.override.yml file. More information can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/


If you pull new files, you can either upgrade the entire stack:

make build

Or, you may just want to upgrade a specific service:

make CONTAINER=nginx build


make test

Pre-flight check.

make logs

Tail the logs of all containers.

make CONTAINER=[name] restart

Restart a specific container.

make CONTAINER=[name] exec

Execute /bin/sh into a specific container.