Pinned Repositories
Sending Email using Javamail API to Gmail & NON gmail Users. With Automated response To Client 'Logging" the mail.
Basic Example of Relay and LED Control form WinFrom C#
Change or Edit file Names in folders. This program was use to Capture the Title Of the Folder where all the Image was inside and then add the Folder title to the end of the Image Title.
Classifies pet images using a pretrained CNN model, compares these # classifications to the true identity of the pets in the images, and # summarizes how well the CNN performed on the image classification task. # Note that the true identity of the pet (or object) in the image is # indicated by the filename of the image. Therefore, your program must # first extract the pet image label from the filename before # classifying the images using the pretrained CNN model. With this # program we will be comparing the performance of 3 different CNN model # architectures to determine which provides the 'best' classification
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Python - Rock_Paper_Scissors_Lizard_Spock
Route Planning Project This is a Route Planning project for Udacity C++ Nanodegree. This Route Planner uses A* algorithm to find the shortest path. It uses OpenStreet Map data for and io2d rendering library to display the route on a map. Instructions for each exercise can be found in the `instructions` directory, and unit tests for some exercises in the `test` directory.
jnr-stickman33's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Basic Example of Relay and LED Control form WinFrom C#
Route Planning Project This is a Route Planning project for Udacity C++ Nanodegree. This Route Planner uses A* algorithm to find the shortest path. It uses OpenStreet Map data for and io2d rendering library to display the route on a map. Instructions for each exercise can be found in the `instructions` directory, and unit tests for some exercises in the `test` directory.
Change or Edit file Names in folders. This program was use to Capture the Title Of the Folder where all the Image was inside and then add the Folder title to the end of the Image Title.
Sending Email using Javamail API to Gmail & NON gmail Users. With Automated response To Client 'Logging" the mail.
Classifies pet images using a pretrained CNN model, compares these # classifications to the true identity of the pets in the images, and # summarizes how well the CNN performed on the image classification task. # Note that the true identity of the pet (or object) in the image is # indicated by the filename of the image. Therefore, your program must # first extract the pet image label from the filename before # classifying the images using the pretrained CNN model. With this # program we will be comparing the performance of 3 different CNN model # architectures to determine which provides the 'best' classification
Python - Rock_Paper_Scissors_Lizard_Spock